I clearly need to keep up considering Banks’ newborn session is the post previous to this one 🙂 My visit to to Ponte Vedra this month was a whirlwind…5 sessions in less than 36 hours. I flew in on Wednesday afternoon, shot a newborn (her session, as well as the others, coming soon!), she slept like a dream and I then picked up and headed to the beach for 2 sunset sessions. I will have to say, I have never in my life wanted to pick up and relocate like I did after this trip. Oh what I would give to watch my little boogers grow up on the beach. Thursday was Banks’ three month milestone shoot and  it is documented below. I’m so glad I forced talked Amber into getting in front of the camera. It’s so important for us as Momas to stay in the picture.  More on that another day…
Thursday afternoon I shot one more newborn before I wrapped my trip and then I cried (what is wrong with me?!) the whole plane ride home.
I wanted to move to the beach, yes. But I also was feeling a mixture of emotions as I tried to grasp the idea that this was my life…