I guess it’s about time I actually write when I blog. I’ve filled this space with pretty images, but I never really say much. Not anymore! đŸ™‚
This session was super special to me. Evie’s moma and I attended college together. I’ve said it before, but it never gets old: I absolutely LOVE that this journey has reconnected me with people (now mothers and fathers) in a new season of life. Childhood friends to college buddies…it has been incredible.
When Lindsay reached out to me about photographing Evie, I was literally tickled pink! They live in Statesboro – a solid 4 hours from me. We knew the distance was going to be an obstacle, but we both really wanted the session to happen. In the end, we wound up meeting in the middle and shooting at my inlaws’ home at Lake Sinclair. I turned the bedroom upstairs into a makeshift studio, Evie slept like a baby, big brother Wilkes was as sweet as sugar, and the results are what you will see below đŸ™‚